[Asterisk] Part 2: Installation, Configuration of an Askozia PBX and getting it working with Snom 360

- Download and burn the latest 1.0 Release as PC Live ISO (www.askozia.com,i.e. pbx-cdrom-1.0.3.iso, 30 MB)
- Insert and boot from in your target PC
( You could now already use this as live running Askozia Version - but we're going to install it onto the HDD )
- Just choose option "Install to Harddrive", choose the HDD you want to install onto and accept the questions, warning that your Data will be erased.
- Reboot and remove the CD from the drive.
- Choose Option 2 and set IP, Subnet (default 24), Gateway, DNS, choose wheter you want to go back to http or use ssl encrytpted https
- Go to your PC and enter http://ipoftheaskoziapbx or https://ipoftheaskoziapbx depending on your reacion to the last installation step.
- The default login data is admin, askozia
- Go to the General Setup, change Username, Password and other Settings you would like and save.
- Go to Voicemail, enter an E-Mail Account (username, pw, email, smtp server) you would like to use for the Voice Mail feature. Save the configuration and enter your own E-Mail Adress in "Test E-Mail" and press E-Mail Me - if that does work, you got Voicemail working.
- Go to Interfaces, change the Interface settings to your like and add ISDN or Analog Interface if you got such.
- Now your basic installation is done, go to reboot and restart your system.

Create an Sip Account and connect Snom 360
- Login to your Askozia again
- Choose Phones and click on "Add Sip"
- Enter the needed Information:
- Extension is your phone number
- Caller ID is the Name of the personal behind that number
- Password is needed to secure the SIP Account
- Voicemail is the E-Mail Adress of the Person, so Askozia can send you a) missed call notifications, b) your Mailbox Entrys as wav
- You need to activate for a) "send missed call notifications" as well
- Choose your Language
- And you may enter an Description and Advanced Settings if you want
- Press Save

- Login to your Snom 360
- Choose Identity 1 (i.e.)
- Enter the needed Information:
- Identity active: on
- Displayname you can choose to your like - maybe Sip Askozia
- Account is the Extension / Phone Number
- Password is the Sip Password
- Registrar is the IP of your Askozia PBX
- Press Save and Re-Register
- Enter your Password again on the Snom 360 and press the "Check Mark" button

Now you're done and can phone. Just enter the number of the other SIP Phone and press "Check Mark" to start calling.

Under Services, Conferencing you got an Conference Room in the Askozia. On default calling number 2663 will get you there and you can conference with other Sip Users

Under Dialplan, Applications you can call 3 Applications. 00003246 - Echo Test, 00009253 - WakeMe (an Wake Up Call Manager), 000064554 (1000Hz Test Tone)

Call Groups:
Under Dialplan, Call Groups you can set Call Groups (one Extension does ring multiple Phones)

Under Interfaces you can change Interface settings - i.e. configure an ISDN Interface like an AMV Fritz Card ISDN which is recognized in Askozia Stable 1.0.3

Under Accounts, Providers you may add an Sipgate Account i.e. to the PBX

Under Accounts, Phones you can change Phone settings and add Provider Accounts to the Phone