Very funny coincidence: Exactly one year after my devastating test of Windows 8 on the EEE PC 1015PN ( here) I tried Windows 8 again - 8.1 to be frankly.
After booting from the DVD, I entered my Key and choose to keep my data and such - an Upgrade Installation. Sadly, installer told me that I needed to choose that after booting into Windows 7 and starting the installation process there. Well, I did. But I only could choose to keep my data - not my programs(!). Sad, but - well. So - if you want to install and keep your stuff: Try to install Windows 8 first and then upgrade to Windows 8.1! I made an backup (just in any case - last time showed me the importance again...) and started with the installation. I took quite a while, but in the end it succeded. This time (and maybe because I changed my Wifi/Bluetooth Card from Azure for an Intel ABGN/WiMax Card?!) - I got none problems with Wifi. Working excellent from the first moment on.
I even got Optimus working by following my own tutorial here, by using the mentioned Versions.
Concerning other drivers and tools: I installed successfully the Optimus Tool, Capshook Driver - all by using the Windows 7 Compability Mode. ( I needed to use that as well on the Optimus Driver installation!)
Regarding - especially - the AHCI Drivers (Hotkey Service) and the SuperHybridEngine Tool - well: First of them gives REAL problems. It won't work and always remind to install an working AHCI Driver. Luckily, some guys found out an way to change that: Just install these tools from an newer ASUS EEE PC - the Asus 1225B. And that does work! Link: Source, Drivers - Good thing: Without the blocking AHCI Drivers Optimus does work correctly. But fixing ACPI is not enough. You need to setup the right Touchpad Driver!
About the Touchpad? Well - you need another Hack for Windows 8: Go with these. I chose the Elantech Touchpad driver Version v.
What I really changed? Well I did some normal stuff like disabeling the User Rights Control Thingy - as well as I changed the Resolution of the Display with this little hack. That got the Metro Apps working and my display from 1024x600 to 1152x864. Ok, it is not very crispy - but really gives more usability. ( Just watch for the "Display1_DownScalingSupported" setting in the registry and enable it )
To get back your classic Start Menu Button - use:
Ok, that was a lot of stuff and I am curious to see how Windows 8.1 will perform in "real life". Well, I am off to installing some more tools and such.
Thanks for that little guide, I just had to refresh my 1015pn, too and decided to go for win 8.1, too.
Worked out pretty good so far. just two issues: I can't get the Super Hybrid Engine working. Which version did you use and at which point did you install it?
And well, there is the flash player issue as well. Flash videos won't play smoothly at all, no matter which browser or wheter the flash player is supposed to use the nvidia card or not. Did you get that to work?
Hey there,
well - about the Super Hybrid Engine: You should use Version 2.16 - so the "old" Windows 7 Version. Just install it in Compability Mode, navigate to the Installation Folder (C:\Program Files\EEE PC\SHE) and change the file properties for all Users to a) Run as Administrator, b) Run in Windows 7 Compability Mode. With these settings I got it to work some minutes ago.
About Flash: I do use Chrome (Beta Channel) - and Chrome got Flash compiled in - so I did not need to install Flash Player. I just looked up some videos on Youtube in Flash Mode and they worked out ok - as well as some other Test Flash Videos. Don't know why it doesn't work out. I switched Chrome and all the other Apps to Internal Graphics Mode only, as I don't want the Graphics Card to trigger the Nvidia Card.
I got my SuperHybridEngine working that way. It's all running pretty good except that I don't really get the Touchpad driver working. It used to work good right after I installed the driver but after a couple of restarts it stopped working. The driver is not loaded at system start though the multi touch gestures are not working at all. What a pain.
How is your Eee PC running? Performance good?
Yeah it works quite well, I am very happy with it after I installed Windows 8.1 from scratch.
I did use the mentioned TouchPad Driver Version and it works for me.
Try to also start the associated software which can be found in Program Files\Elantech or such.
Without an proper installed Touchpad the FN Keys should not work and such - so I figure it is ok but some configuration hicups. Hope you get that fixed. Also check file permissions and stuff, could be that some stuff has to run as Administrator. (Bootup Stuff maybe!)
Hello Nico,
First off... thank you for the information. It is great
I'm having an issue with the video card... where did you find drivers for GMA 3150 for Win 8.1?? There are not in intel support page, and those I found on windows catalog do not work...My 1015pn is only working with the basic windows 8.1 drivers (no display resolution hack is possible with these drivers)
thank yoy
I used the versions and way mentioned in this post
I'm going to install 8.1 just because is ligher then w7, so it should work better.
regardin ram upgrad, some say it will accept 4 Gb in w8.1. Is this true or not?
I do not know, I thought the restriction to 2 GB of RAM was one of the used chipset.
So the only way to really know that, is to test it.
If you get it working with 4 GB, please let me know :)!
I would be really interessted in that!
Thanks a lot! 🙂
Thanks Nico!
I got a 1015PN (gift), because a problem (bad connection in a cable, inside).
He have a 2GB Ram, and a 128 Gb SSD.
He "flys"......
Hello Nico, I have an Asus eee pc 1015pem. do you think that I could install win 8.1 in my pc and work properly? thanks!
Hi Patricio,
well I don't know but it could be possible.
Just try :)!
Thanks for your quick reply. I will try then, and follow your instructions!
I have been trying to install windows 10 on this asus and with your very helpful tips it worked out 🙂 Essentially I have encountered the same issues as for windows 8 so one can use the instruction to install missing drivers. One thing that was rater surprising was the the old/not suitable driver to the intel GPU in Winodws 10 package. As a consequence the max resolution was fixed at 800X600. NVidia GPU works perfectly well though. Performance wise it is ok I guess. The machine was never a racehorse anyway and nowadays it is like very old and sick horse (even with SSD inside) but it does what it is asked for. I had troubles playing youtube videos on high resolution but it was the same on windows 7.
I just wanted to leave a thanks for this guide, it had been ages since I did a clean install on my 1015pn, whats more this guide works to install windows 10 on the it too, everything seems to work (after multiple reinstalls) except for the touchpad fn key but everything else including optimus works on 10. Without this guide I wouldn't have gotten past the hotkey problem.
Glad it worked :)!
Thanks for reporting back :)!
I assume you did get an Windows 10 Key and started from scratch and didn't upgrade your old Windows 7 :)?
Working "good" on a W10 upgrade.
(Came from 8.1.)
Touchpad error on the start.
W10 perhaps a litlle more slower and I have a SSD HD.
Just 2 hours on it
After using my 1015pn with windows 10 for some time I have found out that for some strange reason the touch pad sometimes will be not activated during the start. I could not find out why. All control programs have the compatibility mode with windows xp and admin privileges. One has to reboot the netboook to get it working again. The function keys seems to be get a terrible lag after a start but after a minute or two they work again as under windows 7. again I do not understand why... Perhaps it was one of the recent updates to windows 10.
BTW. In my case I did a full, clean install form windows 7 (old windows directory was saved though in the folder windows.old though).
I had the same issues with the touchpad, use the Elan Touchpad driver ( and everything works fine plus you get some nice three finger gestures with the driver.
I'm also facing problems with the function keys right after starting Windows 10,
except for this Win10 runs quiet well on our machine.
Only bug I'm left with are wifi issues from time to time (Broadcom), I'm using the Windows 10 driver and will see if it gets better with the Asus driver.
I found this in a german thread:
"Hier die Windows 8 Treiber für den 1201N für die FN Tasten usw.:
ASUS KB Filter:
Hotkey service:
Super Hybrid Engine:
Mit diesen "inoffiziellen" Updates klappt scheinbar alles."
It's supposed to be unoffical Win8 drivers for the 1201N and these drivers work for me.
The "Elan" share by @casio, solve the error in W10