Cyberwar - Just „Warcraft in Space?“

A presentation and (upcoming) paper which I wrote for an Seminar (Applied Informatics)

Cyberwar is a buzz word used widely in media
today, but the problem is no one really knows what it even means.
What is Cyberwar? What does Cyberwar include or imply? Is
it like real war - and if so, where does it take place? Which
corperations deliever the needed weapons and how do they
look like?

Download: Nico Maas - Cyberwar

3 thoughts on “Cyberwar - Just „Warcraft in Space?“

  1. As much as i love the presentation - Is there any possibility of getting the full presentation including your comments? Maybe a video?

  2. I am very sorry, I was quite minimalistic in terms of ppt presentation. Sadly there is no video or similar recording of the presentation itself. But there (will be hopefully) an written article about that same topic which will also cover the content of the presentation. I hope to get that done soon :)!

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