As a lot of people asked for the OpenWRT / Raspberry Pi Images, I decided to make a new version which replaces the old one from this post ([RaspPi] OpenWRT Trunk with latest Raspberry Pi 3.10.18+ #585 Kernel – as Image download).
That said, the rules haven't changed:
- It is the trunk version of OpenWRT, injected with the latest Raspberry Pi Kernel
- opkg list does contain the current stable package list for the OpenWRT RPi port of the latest stable release and will work out of the box (opkg update, opkg install..) Most packages like apache should work out of the box – but kernel moduls could/will probably fail. I won’t build an package mirror and won’t build packages because of limitied time. Sorry!
- Other than the normal behavior, the RPi does use DHCP to get its IP Adress. To connect for the first time, use nmap to find your RPi in your network. (Then connect via telnet, set an password with passwd and you’re good to use SSH finally!)
- The main partition size has been changed from 48 MB to 64 MB – giving you additional space
You can just download and use the (7zip-ed) image here: rpi_openwrt_2.7z [ 6.1 MB ]
This is for the fact that I neither got enough time, nor CPU power at hand.
Sorry :(!
Thanks for this image, keep up the good work 🙂
Thanks a lot :)! Glad I could be of help :)!