[Win7] Asus EEEPC 1015PN: Getting Optimus working (again) on Windows 7 Pro

Optimus is a really nice concept: Having installed an low-power Intel GMA3150 next to an "high-end" (compared to the Intel ;)) NVIDIA ION2 with 512 MB RAM (and CUDA!) is very nice - switching between both cards on the fly depending on the application - awesome. But getting it to work can be quite painful. I had to reinstall the drivers on my EEE PC and got it wrong. And now that it is working, I just want to write it down. Just in case, you never know ;)!

1.) Get Windows 7 Pro or better installed
2.) Get all the Updates on your system
3.) Install and start the GraphicsSwitch for Windows 7 from Asus for your EEEPC 1015PN
4.) Choose Optimus Mode and reboot your system.
5.) Install the Intel Driver. Latest and working version is the GMA3150
You can download that here: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=19494&lang=eng&wapkw=gma+3150 After that, reboot!
6.) Install the Nvidia Driver. Latest and working version (for me) is the Verde 301.42 driver. You get that here: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/44972/en-us - Could be that a newer version does work to, but thats what I came up with after trying a lot of different versions. After installing, reboot.
7.) You should be done. Right-click on your Desktop, choose NVIDIA Systemsettings. In these settings you can enable two cool options from the "Desktop" menu:
a.) "Start with graphics processor to context menu" - with right click on an Application you can choose to start that program with your highend gpu
b.) "Show Actitivy Symbol in Infobar" - that does show you whenever the GPU is working on something. And if that symbol does not show up some boots later - well, that mostly says that some update broke your Optimus Setup.

But by now, I think you know how to get that up and running again! 🙂

5 thoughts on “[Win7] Asus EEEPC 1015PN: Getting Optimus working (again) on Windows 7 Pro

  1. These are 100% working instructions I made, I also have a zip file with all the files required to use with these instructions, but I will have to upload it and post the link.
    This can be used fine on its own.

    NOTE: [ION] or [OPTIMUS] indicates in which mode the graphics are configured at the current step.

    0 Install Windows 7 32 bit complete. [ION]
    1 Install GraphicsSwitch and reboot into Optimus [ION]
    2 Install Intel Chipset, and set Optimus mode again, reboot [OPTIMUS]
    3 Hit F8 Enter Safe Mode, and install GMA 3150, reboot normally [OPTIMUS]
    4a Install ASUS ION 259.12 (NOTE: might be OK to skip, but hasn't been tested), reboot normally [ION]
    Reboot into Optimus mode [ION]
    Let drivers install, set Optimus mode again and reboot [Optimus]
    If proceeding to 4b, set ION mode and reboot [Optimus]
    4b Install NVidia ION 306.97, reboot normally [ION]
    Reboot into Optimus mode [ION]
    Let drivers install, set Optimus mode again and reboot [Optimus]
    Optimus should work correctly now and stick over reboots, if it doesn't, just continue
    5 Install ASUS Touchpad, when asked, reboot [X]
    6 Install ASUS KBFilter, if asked, reboot [X]
    7 Install ASUS SuperHybridEngine, when asked, reboot [X]
    8 You may test if Optimus works now by setting optimus mode, rebooting,
    setting it again, rebooting, and then normally reboot or shutdown.
    Now it must work correctly, if it doesn't, SOL.

  2. Great!!!, I was looking for something to fix this, This is great!!! Will put it to work

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