Firefox and Thunderbird Addons Special

Some little Special about my most beloved and used Addons for Firefox and Thunderbird!


Adblock is one of the most well known and widely used tools. It does what it says: Blocking Ads, Popups and such.

Bugmenot is an integration of the Website into the Firefox.
Bugmenot is an service on which you can add own login data to Forums and Websites which everyone else can use to login.
So, you don't need to register on every website to gain access.

Compact Menu 2:
Duplicates the menubar on the toolbar as a menu of menus.
Great for Eee PCs!

Download Statusbar:
Shows up a little bar in the statusbar instead of the big and unhandy "Downloads" thingy popping up. Really nice and better looking.

Does check up your Deviantart Account regularly.

An fully fledged FTP Client. This saves you from installin another WSFTP or CuteFTP or whatelse.

Useful if you develop shell scripts which use curl to login.

Does quckly turn proxy on and off.
To install you need to turn check security off.
Enter about:config and add an Boolean Key "extensions.checkUpdateSecurity" with 0
Then install:
To use the proxy tool on startup, create a link to firefox.exe and end it with
-proxy 1 (to enable proxy) or -proxy 0 (to disable proxy)

Does improve TabBrowsing with Firefox.

The Web of Trust. Now thats important!
This cool tool checks up the website you're visting wheter theres some "un-nice" entry about it in its database.
Entries to this Database can be submitted after registration at WOT.
So you can acctually warn other Users from Phising and untrusthworthly shops and so on.
Should be installed on every Firefox and can also be configured as child-protection.

Formerly Foxmarks is an Tool which can synchronize all of your Firefox Bookmarks from Home, Work, Laptop - etc.
You'll never ever come to the point of "Damn, I only saved this favorite at Work..".
It can also be configured that for example your Work PC does only get an special "Work" Folder, while the rest of the clients are getting the full data.
Additionally, Xmarks can synchronize the Password Database of Firefox.
Well, thats I thing I haven't tried and won't. Use KeePass to store and carry your Passwords securely!


Does add some sidebar to your Thunderbird which contains the contacts like in Outlook Express.

An huge Calendar Application. Powerful!

Does add fields for things like Birthdate into the Adressbook.

Provider for Googlecalender:
Does include your Calender at your Googleaccount. Very useful if used with Lightning

Does create an Calendar from the Birthday Entries from your MoreFunctionsforAdressbook enabled Adressbook - for Lightning.

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