[SRSS 4.2] How to enable SoftClient on Sunray Server 4.2?

SoftClient: http://wikis.sun.com/display/SRS5/Home#tab:SRS-5-Documentation

Point a web browser at the Sun Ray server. http://:1660. You will then need to provide the administrative credentials to log into the site. Once into the site you need take the following steps:
1. Click on the Advanced Tab
2. Click on the Systems Policy Sub Tab
3. Check the Software Client Access check box
4. Click on Save

Restart the Server - Click on the servers tab
1. tick the checkbox in front of your server name
2. click on cold restart

The system will go through a dialog about the server restarting.


Taken from: http://blogs.sun.com/acworkma/entry/how_to_configure_srss_4

[SRSS 4.2] How to install Sun Ray Windows Connector 2.2 on Solaris 10?

Sun Ray Windows Connector (SRWC) 2.2 http://wikis.sun.com/display/SRS5/Home#tab:SRS-5-Documentation
Patches for SRWC2.2 http://www.sun-rays.org/srss.html#patches

Create a group of the connector proxy to run as
# groupadd utsrwc


1.) Got root?

2.) Extract the software:
# unzip srwc_2.2_solaris.zip

3.) Run the installer
# ./srwc_2.2/installer
Accept the license
Enter the name of the group we just created - utsrwc

4.) Run the automatic configuration script
# /opt/SUNWuttsc/sbin/uttscadm -c

5.) Restart the Sun Ray Server Software
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utrestart -c
Note: Now is when we would apply patches. Since this a new release there are not any yet.

Use the web interface for the Sun Ray server to configure the Sun Ray server to present windows desktops. Log into your web admin port http://:1660. The username is admin and the password is the one you gave it during set up.
1. Click on the advanced tab
2. Click on the kiosk mode tab
3. Click on the edit button

We need to create our kiosk mode as the windows connector.
1. Changed the drop down to Sun Ray Connector for Windows OS
2. Type the DNS name or IP of the windows host in the arguments field
3. Click on Ok

At this point you will have a kiosk mode defined and then you will need to tell the server when to use it. This is accomplished by using the the System Policy to turn Kiosk Mode on.
1. Click on the advanced tab
2. Click on the System Policy Sub Tab
3. Click on the enable kiosk mode under card users
4. Click on enable kiosk mode under non card users
5. Click on the Save button

Changing the system policy requires a restart of the Sun Ray Services
1. Click on the Servers Tab
2. tick the checkbox in front of your server name
3. click on cold restart
The system will go through a dialog about the server restarting.

At this point our system is configured to present a windows desktop.

Personal Note:
You can easily add USB functions or Different Kiosk Settings for different Tokens

Taken from: http://blogs.sun.com/acworkma/entry/how_to_install_the_sun

[SRSS 4.2] How to install Sunray Server 4.2 on Solaris 10?

Sun Ray Server Software (SRSS) 4.2 http://wikis.sun.com/display/SRS5/Home#tab:SRS-5-Documentation
Patches for SRSS4.2 http://www.sun-rays.org/srss.html#patches


Solaris Version: SRSS 4.2 requires Solaris 05/09 (u7) verify you have the correct version.
#cat /etc/release
Solaris 10 5/09 s10x_u7wos_08 X86
Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Assembled 30 March 2009


1.) Got root?

2.) Extract the software:
# unzip srss_4.2_solaris.zip

3.) Install Java (SRSS 4.2 needs java 1.6 or higher.)C
Check your java version with the following command:
# java -version

Install java 1.6 on your system. The script is chip dependent. Pick x64 or Sparc
# ./srss_4.2/Supplemental/Java_Runtime_Environment/Solaris/jre-6u13-solaris-i586.sh
# mv jre1.6.0_13/ /usr/jdk/
# rm /usr/java
# ln -s /usr/jdk/jre1.6.0_13/ /usr/java

4.) Install Apache Tomcat
# /usr/sfw/bin/gtar -xvz -C /opt -f srss_4.2/Supplemental/Apache_Tomcat/apache-tomcat-5.5.20.tar.gz
# ln -s /opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.20 /opt/apache-tomcat

5.) Install the Sun Ray Server Software
# ./srss_4.2/utinstall
take all of the defaults
Note: Now is when we would apply patches. Since this a new release there are not any yet.
# reboot

6.) Configure the Sun Ray Server Software:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utconfig
Take all of the defaults except for:
Enable remote server administration? (y/[n])? y
Configure Sun Ray Kiosk Mode? (y/[n])? y

7.) Configure the parms file and tell the server what firmware to offer out
# mkdir /tftpboot
# vi /tftpboot/srssconfig
The file should look like the following:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utfwadm -A -a -V -i /tftpboot/srssconfig -f /opt/SUNWut/lib/firmware_gui

8.) Turn on LAN connections:
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -L on
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utrestart -c

At this point you have a basic Sun Ray server up and running. Any Sun Rays on the network should be displaying the Solaris log in and you should be able to log into your Solaris server through a Sun Ray.

Personal Notes:
I did use a second NIC for the SunRay, so I did configure an pcn1 with on static on Solaris 10 installation.
Therefore I need to reconfigure SSRSS4.2 to use that:

# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -l # show SRSS config
LAN connections: On
Sun Ray interconnect framework is not configured
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -r # remove SRSS Network Config
Sun Ray interconnect framework is not configured
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -a pcn1 # configure SRSS for pcn 1
#got an error here as it was already configured during Solaris 10 installation - so lets remove that:
# mv /etc/hostname.pcn1 /etc/hostname.pcn1.bak
# /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -a pcn1 # try again and it works!

Taken from: http://blogs.sun.com/acworkma/entry/how_to_build_a_sun2

[SRSS 4.1+] How to use different Kiosk Sessions for different tokens

1. Create kiosk session configuration
In SRCC Web Interface

2. Back it up
# cd # Make sure your are in a reasonable directory to store your configurations
# PATH=${PATH}:/opt/SUNWut/sbin # Save yourself (and me) some typing
# utkiosk -e session -s > UserSession.conf
* If you have configured applications, also save the application list to a file:
# utkiosk -e session -a > UserSessionApps.list

3. Store your kiosk session configuration in the Sun Ray data store.
Use a name that starts with a capital letter - all-lowercase names are reserved.

* If you don't need an application list, you can simply upload your UserSession.conf file like this:
# utkiosk -i UserSession -f UserSession.conf

* If you did create an application list, the command looks like this:
# utkiosk -i UserSession -f UserSession.conf -A UserSessionApps.list

4. Configure individual tokens to use this kiosk session configuration.
Here is how to configure one of this configurations to a selected, registred (!) Token OR DTU.

* How to register:
# utuser -a "CleverCard.0123456789,localhost,0,John Doe,"

* Now you can assign the UserSession configuration to the token:
# utkioskoverride -r CleverCard.0123456789 -s kiosk -c UserSession
Note: This will enable Kiosk Mode for this token, even if it isn't enabled globally.

* If you have stored multiple session configurations, you can view them using:
# utkiosk -l

The session configuration is the default kiosk configuration, which is used for all kiosk session that haven't been assigned an override.

Example UserSession.conf for Windows Connector WITH USBTool:

Taken from: http://blogs.sun.com/joergb/entry/using_different_kiosk_sessions_for

[ SRSS 4.1+] How to use SunRay USB Ports on Solaris 10?

Download this: http://blogs.sun.com/danielc/resource/usbdrived
chmod +x
./usbdrived install

Using it with Windows Connector:
The Argument is: "-r disk:USBDRVS=$HOME/USBDRVS" - where you should replace the IP Adress with your Terminal Server

- After adding a Drive, it can take up nearly a Minute until it comes "online"!
- The SunRay 1 use USB 1.1 - so that thing is quite slowly!

- Can you see usbdrived running in your Solaris session? (ps -ef | grep usbdrived)
- Can you see a file called "Attaching USB Drives to your Sun Ray README.txt" on your Solaris desktop?
- Did you install it properly? If so, can you see and what permissions does this have:
/usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/1350.usbdrived (It should be executable by everybody, something like rwxr-xr-x)
- When you plug in a USB drive, does it mount in /tmp/SUNWut/mnt/ under Solaris?
- Under Windows, can you see in "My Computer" a Network drive (In "Others") called "USBDRVS" and is there a file within that explains usage?
- Have you hit refresh in file manager when looking at your USBDRVS mount?
- Most important and useful of all: Do any mounts show up if on a Solaris Sun Ray session you issue: /opt/SUNWut/bin/utdiskadm -l

Taken from: http://blogs.sun.com/danielc/entry/a_usb_drive_daemon_for1

Solaris 10

To add a user in Solaris 10:
# useradd -c ‘Full Name’ -d /export/home/username -m -s /bin/bash username
(to add an admin user, add -g staff in there)

Then add a password for the user:
# passwd username

Under Solaris, there is no sudo.
Use su to become superuser.

Install SunRay Server Software 4.1 on Ubuntu JeOS Server 9.04 i386 (running under ESXi 4.0)

Hi Guys,

this Guide did cost me a lot of nerves and time, but its finally complete!
The most of this stuff is ripped from this nearly perfect guide.
But problem is, I did had some difficulties setting it up and got into serious troubles about dhcp (not working), dpkg (screwed up totaly) and other nasty things.
In the end I did this installation about 4 times, but now its working, and guess what? I did do complete notes! And I'm going to share these with you! ^^.

So, thats the end of the setup:
An Ubuntu JeOS Server 9.04 i386 with Vmware Tools, running on a ESXi 4.0 machine, with an SunRay Server Software (SRSS) Version 4.1!
Now, thats somethin' ain't it?
Ok, lets rock!

Ubuntu Setup
1) Download Ubuntu-Server 9.04 i386 image ( http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server )
2) Upload it onto your VMWare machine
3) Setup an new VM (Custom, Ubuntu Linux(32bit!), 2(!!) NIC Cards, Dynamic (SIZE) HDD(!!!))
4) Install Ubuntu Server with JeOS (so, boot the VM, choose your Language on the inital Ubuntu Setup Screen, press F4 and chose the "Minimal Virtual Machine" and then press Install Ubuntu)
5) Just an normal installation, you can choose the "Base System" and "OpenSSH Server" as additional "apt-get"'s.
6) After installation you need to install gdm:
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install gdm
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
7) Just do an quick sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade to see wheter everything is alright.
8) Thats it, your Ubuntu Server is working!

SRSS 4.1 Setup
0) Got root?
sudo su

1) Get the required packages
apt-get install libldap-2.4-2 libmotif3 module-assistant tk8.4 tomcat5.5 sun-java6-jre
apt-get install ldap-utils dhcp3-server nscd gawk iputils-ping pdksh unzip alien libgdbm3
apt-get install libx11-6 libfreetype6 libsasl2-2 libxt6 zlib1g gdm devscripts xkb-data-legacy
apt-get install xfonts-base atftpd xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-cyrillic wget ed

1 1/2) REBOOT!

2) Download and Unzip SRSS
cd /tmp/srss
download SRSS 4.1 package from sun.com (doesn't matter, I used the SUSE Enterprise Package, should be all the same!)
unzip srss_4.1_linux.zip

3) Convert all .rpm to .deb packages
find srss_4.1 -name "SUNW*i386.rpm" -exec alien -d {} \;

4) Install the .deb packages
find . -name "sunw*deb" -exec dpkg -i {} \;

5) Apply Patches
wget -O /tmp/srss/Patch-SUNWut41-1.txt http://wiki.sun-rays.org/images/6/67/Patch-SUNWut41-1.txt
wget -O /tmp/srss/Patch-SUNWutref.txt http://wiki.sun-rays.org/images/1/15/Patch-SUNWutref.txt
wget -O /tmp/srss/Patch-SUNWkio.txt http://wiki.sun-rays.org/images/f/ff/Patch-SUNWkio.txt
cd /opt
patch -p0 # Interface, for example eth1
- if asked during utconfig make sure to answer /usr/share/tomcat5.5 for the tomcat path
- everything default EXCEPT tomcat path and remote server admin on ON

18) check dhcpd.conf (if you want DHCP)
make sure that /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf contains the include statements for your added subnet/interface
try: /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
If its NOT working, or you get problems with permissions, build your own dhcpd.conf a new! ;-):

mv /etc/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcpd/dhcpd.bak
cat /etc/opt/SUNWut/net/dhcp/SunRay-options > /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
cat /etc/opt/SUNWut/net/dhcp/SunRay-interface-eth1 >> /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf

19) patch and build the required kernel modules
a) prepare for kernel module building:
m-a -t prepare

b) download and apply patches
wget -O /tmp/utadem.patch http://wiki.sun-rays.org/images/0/0c/Utadem-4.1-50.nww.patch.txt
wget -O /tmp/utio.patch http://wiki.sun-rays.org/images/5/5d/Utio-4.1-50.nww.patch.txt
wget -O /tmp/utdisk.patch http://wiki.sun-rays.org/images/e/e0/Utdisk-4.1-50.nww.patch.txt
cd /usr/src/SUNWut
patch -p0 ${PULSECONF}

# create asoundrc for pulseaudio redirection
echo -n > ${ASOUNDRC}
echo "pcm.!default { " >> ${ASOUNDRC}
echo " type pulse" >> ${ASOUNDRC}
echo "}" >> ${ASOUNDRC}
echo "ctl.!default { " >> ${ASOUNDRC}
echo " type pulse" >> ${ASOUNDRC}
echo "}" >> ${ASOUNDRC}

24) link tftpd server directory
ln -s /tftpboot /var/lib

25) manually fix the Xsetup file
It seems that the /etc/opt/SUNWut/gdm/SunRayInit/helpers/Xsetup in SRSS 4.1 contains a minor,
but important bug which prevents commands like 'utwho' and 'utfwload' from working properly on some Linux distros.
To fix this script you have to manually edit it and make sure that the very first like contain the
exclamation mark (!) as shown here:

#!/bin/ksh -p

26) manually fix the finishsession file
It seems that the /opt/SUNWkio/lib/finishsession file in SRSS 4.1 contains a minor bug which prevents the
POST-execution scripts from being executed. To fix this script you have to manually edit it and make sure
that the line with the if check for "$theSessionUserDynDir" actually contains the "$" sign.

if [ -d "$theSessionUserDynDir" ]

27) finally you can start the SRSS by issuing the following commands
/etc/init.d/gdm restart
/etc/init.d/zsunray-init stop
/etc/init.d/zsunray-init start

28) get server "really" online
/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -l # prints network config
/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -L on # gets server online
/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utrestart # needed to get server online

29) reboot?
Can always help! You know the saying "Linux: BE ROOT! Microsoft: RE-BOOT!" ? 😉

17) OLD config with subnet, you should NOT use that:
/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -A # Subnet for example

17) utadm working example:
/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm -a eth1
### Configuring /etc/nsswitch.conf
### Configuring Service information for Sun Ray
### configuring eth1 interface at subnet
Selected values for interface "eth1"
host address:
net mask:
net address:
host name: SunRayServer-eth1
net name: SunRay-eth1
first unit address:
last unit address:
auth server list:
firmware server:
Accept as is? ([Y]/N): Y
### successfully setup "/etc/opt/SUNWut/net/hostname.eth1" file
Warning: IP address "" appears in "/etc/hosts" with another hostname, fix? ([Y]/N): Y
### successfully setup "/etc/hosts" file
### successfully setup "/etc/opt/SUNWut/net/netmasks" file
### successfully setup "/etc/networks" file
### finished install of "eth1" interface
### Configuring firmware version for Sun Ray
All the units served by "SunRayServer" on the
network interface, running firmware other than version
"4.1_50_2008." will be upgraded at their next power-on.

### Configuring Sun Ray Logging Functions

DHCP is not currently running, should I start it? ([Y]/N): Y
### Error: unable to start dhcp services.
Please restart dhcp manually after utadm has completed.

17) working utadm example:
Configure Sun Ray Web Administration? ([y]/n)? y
Enter Apache Tomcat installation directory [/opt/apache-tomcat]: /usr/share/tomcat5.5
Enter HTTP port number [1660]: 1660
Enable secure connections? ([y]/n)? y
Enter HTTPS port number [1661]: 1661
Enter Tomcat process username [utwww]: utwww
Enable remote server administration? (y/[n])? y
Configure Sun Ray Kiosk Mode? (y/[n])? n
Configure this server for a failover group? (y/[n])? n

Update 139550-02 and 139727-01

1) download patches
cd /tmp
.... (download the patch update for the core package from [2]) http://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=139550-02&method=h
.... (download the uttsc update package from [3] http://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=139727-01&method=h
unzip 139550-02.zip
unzip 139727-01.zip

2) convert
find 139550-02 139727-01 -name "SUNW*i386.rpm" -exec alien -d {} \;

3) install
find . -name "sunw*deb" -exec dpkg -i {} \;

4) apply patches
wget -O /tmp/Patch-patch.txt http://wiki.sun-rays.org/images/6/6f/Patch-patch-139550-02.txt
wget -O /tmp/Patch-SUNWutref.txt http://wiki.sun-rays.org/images/1/15/Patch-SUNWutref.txt
cd /opt/
patch -p0 Update 139550-01

1) download patches
cd /tmp
.... (download the patch update from http://sunsolve.sun.com/pdownload.do?target=139550-01&method=h )
unzip 139550-01.zip

2) convert
find 139550-01 -name "SUNW*i386.rpm" -exec alien -d {} \;

3) install
find . -name "sunw*deb" -exec dpkg -i {} \;

4) apply patches
wget -O /tmp/Patch-patch.txt http://wiki.sun-rays.org/images/5/51/Patch-patch.txt
wget -O /tmp/Patch-SUNWutref.txt http://wiki.sun-rays.org/images/1/15/Patch-SUNWutref.txt
cd /opt/
sudo patch -p0 Installing VMWare Tools

Extract of the Weblog mentioned above:

Open a terminal window and execute the following command to download the script:
wget http://chrysaor.info/scripts/ubuntu904vmtools.sh
Now run the script that installs VMware Tools (Warning: it will download some files):
sudo bash ./ubuntu904vmtools.sh
When the script promps for answers, just hit Enter as defaults are OK. If you're using VMware Fusion, Server or Workstation, reboot the virtual machine and you are done.

Cleaning up

Shrink VMware Image Files on Linux Appliances
Posted in: Unix \ Linux, Vmware by Nico Maas on July 16, 2009

Works only with dynamic HDDs!

1. Backup!
2. Remove old / unused Packages
3. Remove downloaded Packages: sudo apt-get clean, Remove only old downloaded Packages: sudo apt-get autoclean
4. “ZeroOut” unused Space: cat /dev/zero > zero.dat ; sync ; sleep 1 ; sync ; rm zero.dat
5. Under GUI: “sudo vmware-toolbox” and use shrink on “/”
6. Under VIClient: Defrag

Using Cisco Vlans and Trunks on VMWare ESXi 3.5/4

Posted in: Cisco, Network, Vmware by Nico Maas on July 24, 2009

Do you desperatly need to connect an real pc to just one VM? No problem! Here we go! All we need is an Switch with vlan Trunking. I used an Cisco c3560-poe8 for this, as it is my main work switch.

So you just need these snipets on the switch side:
( Need to do this in enable mode and conf -t! )

This is going to activate ip dhcp snooping globaly on the switch
(which means only marked ports are allowed to answer an dhcp request, thats important!)
ip dhcp snooping vlan 1-4094
no ip dhcp snooping information option
ip dhcp snooping

these are the vlans, one main, one “test” for the vm
vlan 1
name main
vlan 999
name test

normal client port
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport access vlan 1
spanning-tree portfast

vm client port which does access vlan 999
interface FastEthernet0/3
switchport access vlan 999
spanning-tree portfast

vm server port, which does access normal vlan 1, and does trunk the rest
” ip dhcp snooping trust” means, that this port is allowed to answer dhcp requests
interface FastEthernet0/7
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk native vlan 1
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,999
switchport mode trunk
ip dhcp snooping trust

Thats it!
Only thing you need to do on the vm machine is to start vi\vsphere client, go to configuration, network, create an new port group and insert the nic of the vmware machine you want to use on the switch port (here 3 on the c3560) – and set the port groups vlan id to 999. ( In my config, the eth0 is the "main" NIC and does do the normal Network Connection, eth1 is the "SUN" Port as configured above in the SRSS Part, so get the eth1 (Second NIC) into the vlan 999!)

And then, you can do pxe, dhcp, sunray, and allll you want!

So, thats it finally!
A REALLY BIG Thank you to all the authors of the howtos, guides, etc mentioned and unmentioned for helping me out. Without you, this would have been absoultly impossible! Thank you!!!

USB Mount:
/tmp/SUNWut/sessions/11/unit/dev/dsk/disk1 /usb