Webconverger - Build your own Internetcafé

- Install Debian
- Add following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list :
deb http://live.debian.net/ sid-snapshots main contrib non-free

deb-src http://live.debian.net/ sid-snapshots main contrib non-free
- apt-get install live-helper git git-core svn sudo
- mkdir /home/webconverger
- cd /home/webconverger
- git clone git://git.debian.org/git/debian-live/config-webc.git
- modify /home/webconverger/config-webc/webconverger/auto/config
( i.e. change
homepage=http://portal.webconverger.com to the one you want,
add Kioskrest every 10 Minutes after last use:
change bootlogo
change website to the one you want and add an bg.png to the account,
otherwise add noxbg to the boot to make the background blank )
- cd /home/webconverger/config-webc/webconverger
- lh config
- lh build
- /home/webconverger/config-webc/webconverger/binary-hybrid.iso

Clean to rebuild:
- cd /home/webconverger/config-webc/webconverger
- lh clean --purge