[WinXP] Windows 7 Taskbar Tool

Some of us still work on Windows XP.
I myself still prefer to have my P4 3 GhZ Single Core at work to run with the "old" Windows, because of Ressources and the good feeling to have an proven system installed. The only thing that I find really annoying is the taskbar: I really love the feature of Windows 7 to reorder taskbar entries without restarting applications.
And thats something Windows XP can do as well with Taskbar++
( http://www.chip.de/downloads/Taskbar_19900036.html )

Just install and run it, move your mouse cursor over the taskbar and press and hold ALT.
The mouse cursor will change to a finger, then you can click and hold an entry and move it on the taskbar.
Let go of the icon and ALT and everythings set again.

Rooting CUCM7 & Giving BASH instead of the restricted CLI

1. Boot with gparted
2. cd /tmp
3. mkdir test
4. mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/test
5. chroot /dev/test /bin/bash
6. Change:





add the Line for admin under the user privilege specification so that it looks like this:

# User privilege specification
root    ALL=(ALL) ALL
admin   ALL=(ALL) ALL

7. exit
8. cd /tmp
9. umount /tmp/test
10. umount /dev/sda1
11. reboot
12. login with admin and your password, you are in the bash shell, not in the cisco cli anymore
13. enter sudo su and your login password and you become root